Spring Break 2020
Let’s rewind to a warm September Saturday. Our whole life’s were neatly packed and taped up in boxes ready to call a new place home. Friends gave of their time to help us move, humbly and grateful we fed them donuts and pizza. I filled our car with our houseplants from the tiniest to the biggest and promised them new sunny windows. We were greeted by the the sweetest letter from the previous owners while the boys rushed to run wild in their new backyard. The neatly packed boxes slowly unraveled into chaos, room by room we slowly began to fill the corners of our new house with warmth, love and new memories.
Our Easter this year was bittersweet, it’s one we will never forget as we spent it quarantined and away from those we love most celebrating the one who loved us most. We’ve been so used to seeing friends at church on Easter Sunday then gathering with family and cousins for lunch and egg hunts but we made the most of it with our party of five.
We all got dressed in our Sunday best, let me rephrase, I dressed all of us in our Sunday best, they groaned as I made them change out of pajamas for once but they indulged me. We sat on the couch for our online Easter service and rejoiced at Christ’s sacrifice for us and thanked him for our many blessings through this time.
Then of course mom had to have her annual Easter family picture, we found the perfect spot at the trails down the street from our house, nature declaring what was once barren and lifeless now bloomed with life echoing the celebration in our souls.
After they indulged me and were slightly annoyed because they can barely stand still for two seconds to snap a picture it was time for baskets and egg hunt! I don’t know what’s more fun, being sneaky and hiding all the eggs or watching the boys thrilled, running around and desperately searching for them, I love it!
For dinner Fred made us homemade ravioli, it was amazing! I made carrot cake from scratch with cream cheese frosting and went all Pinteresty on it and made the cutest bunnies! And if that wasn’t cute enough our friend Amy surprised us with her beautiful decorated Easter cookies at our door!
It was a sweet day that brought about lots of gratefulness, I was able to slow down and remembered to soak it in and rejoice! HE IS RISEN, HE IS RISEN INDEED!
On Tuesday March 10, 2020, we decided to get out of the house, we got in the van and just started driving, “Where should we go?” asked Fred, ”anywhere except there” I answered. We were on Spring Break and already “social distancing” ourselves before the stay home rules had been implemented, aware that it was slowly starting to spread in the city we usually congregate in. We drove the opposite way, heck we drove and drove that we ended up in a different state!
Fred wanted to see buffalo, or bison, I don’t think he knew exactly but he heard there were some north of us or maybe he made it up, sometimes he makes up facts out of thin air, I find them amusing. All we saw was cattle and maybe a donkey but we kept driving and instead ended up at the Red River, the border between Texas and Oklahoma.
We parked under the bridge and made our way towards the river. The air was warm and a little damp. Our steps became heavy as we began sinking into wet, red clay. That’s when I remembered we had just bought the boys new Vans shoes the week before but it didn’t bother me, I let them run around and get as muddy as they pleased. I felt like such a cool mom until another mom showed up with her two boys and I realized she was way cooler than me.
She let her kids jump into the red river, careless and free, those boys swam and splashed, we watched them with huge smiles on our face, my boys looked at me as if maybe I too would allow them to jump in. I’m not that cool guys, sorry.
We did however stop at a Braum’s in tiny town trying to earn some cool points back from these boys. I didn’t know it was going to be the last time we sat in a booth as a family. It felt very uncomfortable though, it’s like every cough or sneeze sounded louder than usual. Like in the movies when everything goes silent except certain sounds and then those sounds start making a melody and Fred and I just stared at each other with wide eyes then Luke asked how it was possible for people to spill coffee on ceilings as he examined the leaks from the roof, I laughed so loud and it brought me back to enjoying the moment. I took a deep breath and ate the rest of my rocky road sugar cone, it was delicious.
We left Braums and a trail of dried red mud behind us I’m sure and drove some more, we saw old buildings, tore down buildings and more cattle but no bison. Made it back and ate at our favorite taco shop, Torchy’s, my biggest regret that day was not ordering a frozen margarita to go with my tacos. Bummer.
Then like dominoes life around us started collapsing one after another, schools got canceled, restaurants began shutting down, grocery stores depleted, the stock market plumeted, some started losing their jobs, people began getting sick, some dying, we were told to stay home and to top it off there was literally no sunshine for days only clouds, fear and uncertainly seemed to remain.
It’s like the rug got pulled out from under us and left us on our knees. And thats where I’m at, on my knees praying. It’s a good time to pray. Not that there’s ever a good time not to pray but if you haven't prayed in a while I’d urge you to. I don’t know what God is doing but He’s in control and He’s at work.
I started reading the book of Joshua, in the book, Rahab, a prostitute saves the lives of the spies scoping out the land God had promised the Israelites. She had heard of what the LORD had done, how he had dried up the water of the Red Sea and how he had given them victories over their enemies. “And as soon as we heard it, our hearts melted and there was no spirit left in man because of you for the LORD your God, he is God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath.” Joshua 2:11
Her fear brought her to faith.
Her faith is revered in the New Testament, and her name is listed in the genealogy of Jesus. God saves her and her family as the Israelites invade the land and pass over her home seeing the scarlet cord hung out her window.
I’m not saying have faith like Rahab and you will not get sick or die from Covid, there are countless of saints being martyred by their faith as they spread the gospel throughout the world. I’m saying as scary as this virus is, we need to be aware that there’s is a greater evil out to destroy us, our sin.
Theres no cure to Covid-19, not yet, praying for a cure, but there is a cure to sin, thats faith through Jesus. God came down as a man, Jesus, sinless perfect. He willingly was nailed to a cross because sin required a blood sacrifice from a perfect being, a spotless lamb. We couldn’t earn salvation or work hard enough for it, our DNA was stained with sin from the time Adam and Eve sinned in the garden. But because God so loved the world he gave his only son Jesus that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life, John 3:16. At the cross Jesus cured us from our sin and made us perfect, earning us a place a future home in heaven, not of out own doing.
But Nancy, I’ve met Christians and they were stuck up, self righteous, judged me even hurt me.
I’m so sorry. We’re saved but not perfect because we are not Jesus but should aim to live a life like he did. If someone who claimed to be a Christian hurt you in anyway don’t let that be how you view God. For a clear look at who Jesus is go to the direct source, the bible, read John or Luke if you’re curious.
I’m passionate about the Lord, I’m not perfect but if you have any questions I’d love to chat with you or if you just need prayer or a friend right now I’m here! Zoom anyone?
Friends, stay safe, stay healthy, stay home and read your bible! HUGS!!!
After 7 years of being a stay at home mom, I put away my stretchy mom pants, set my alarm clock, put some makeup on my face, brewed my coffee and went back to work… Yes! Work! Let me tell you, boy, has it been an adjustment for our family.
All I have known these last 7 years is home, glorious home. When I was pregnant with Luke in 2011, Fred and I made the decision that I would stay home to raise our littles until they were all old enough to be in school. This wasn’t an easy decision, this wasn’t something that we could afford to do but we both felt it’s what the Lord wanted for our family. I felt a calling to be home and invest in my boys. So I traded in my full time job in education to become a stay at home mom.
If you’ve done this before or even if you’ve spent more than 24 hours with a baby or toddler whose motives are completely selfish and will literally suck out all the life and energy from you, you know it’s hard. Times that by 3 boys…
It’s been hard but its been an amazing experience and privilege. I used to take it as an insult when strangers at grocery stores would say, “You’ve got your hands full” while I pushed a cart with a baby strapped to my body and a young toddler threw every item on site into the cart while the other daredevil jumped off the cart or barely made it out of the store alive. This was my normal and I loved it. Yes I had my hands full but my heart fuller. But trust me, after a few years of marathon outings and grocery trips with littles I would eat up all the pity from strangers I could get. They weren't judging me, well at least most weren’t; they sympathized with me and their giggles as I rolled by weren’t always malicious, at least that’s what I told myself to get through. Those were some fun times. Now that they’re a little bigger and have a little more self control, rolling into Costco doesn’t always feel like the circus just rolled into town, on most days…It’s taken years but I’ve learned to tame those wild things.
Yes outings were hard, sometimes miserable but home has always been sweet. It's been our safe place. Most of the boys life training has happened here. How to treat and love others, be a friend, problem solve, be polite, gain independence, have dinner as a family, read the bible as a family, how to respect authority, how to show hospitality, how to tidy, how to help in the kitchen, how to wipe your butt, pick out you clothes and be responsible, dance like no one is watching, these are just a few that come to mind. I guarantee you we have not been perfect in our raising and have probably allowed more iPad and video games than some responsible parents are comfortable with but I can rest assured in God’s kindness that his grace will abound in the life of these boys.
And it’s with the Lord’s grace and kindness that we finally send them all off to school! Luke 2nd grade, Noah Kindergarten, Nate Pre-K. All 3 going to school full day. Time flies by ya’ll. Hold on tight to those sweet babies because unfortunately they grow up! (Insert crying emoji here) And with all my babies going to school that opened the doors for me to go back to work! I love how the Lord prepared me for this.
Back in the spring I had a conversation with Fred, I was in tears as I told him I felt the Lord telling me “Change was coming.” I had no idea what that meant but it felt like the Lord was preparing us for a big change. I’m a person that does not like change, I don’t even like to update my phone if means my settings are going to change. At that time I thought for sure it meant we were going to be switching churches because Fred had been applying for graphic design jobs at some churches in the area.
As time passed we didn’t change churches and I had forgotten about that conversation. One day I found myself looking through jobs online to see what was out there, not actively looking just out of curiosity. I saw that the day before they had posted a Receptionist job for a brand new elementary school that was opening up in the fall only a few miles from our home. Receptionist in an elementary had been my first job when we moved to Texas, while I only did it for a year before I moved into a classroom I really enjoyed it and I saw myself doing something similar once the boys were all in school, so I talked to Fred and he encouraged me to apply and just see what the Lord did with that. So I applied and didn’t hear anything for months.
Summer started and the boys were out of school, all that was in my mind at that time was our upcoming Italy trip, then I got a call. “Can you come in for an interview next week?”
Still unsure if this was the right decision I went in for the interview. I felt a calmness and confidence that I know was not of myself but of the Lord. There was literally a rainbow that morning after some rain had passed and I drove to the interview. God is good. They asked many questions but one stood out to me, what do you think would be hardest part of the job for you? I was 100% honest. I said learning how to be a working mom after being home all these years and figuring out how to balance time and life. Well, somehow my answers didn’t scare them and I got the job!
We flew to Italy a week later and we felt like not only was it a celebration of our 10 year anniversary but also a celebration of a closing of a big chapter of our lives, we knew come Fall our lives would look different and that change God had spoken to me about in the Spring was indeed coming. God’s timing is good and he knows best.
This season of me working full time has been chaotic, the transition has been stressful, I’ve cried more than my pride wants to admit but I’ve also found a deeper dependance on the Lord. Our lives have changed and were still adjusting, finding our rhythm and what our new normal will look like. Weekends are sweeter, time together as a family is not taken for granted and a home cooked meal is much more appreciated than before.
I’m grateful to the Lord that I love my job, I love the people I work with, I love that I will be able to be off when the boys and Fred are off. I’m confident that the Lord will use me for his glory at work as he has used me for his glory at home. Today I celebrate Labor Day with more appreciation and countdown the days to Thanksgiving break!
We took a quick trip to the Dallas Farmer’s Market last week. Yes it was warm, but so much fun. We checked out cute shops and fresh produce. We walked around Ruibal’s, a nursery in downtown and checked out all the beautiful plants they offer to the public. After coming home from Italy I have been obsessed with flowers, especially bougainvillea which beautifully adorn the buildings of Positano with different shades of magenta. After seeing that Ruibal’s sells it and getting some tips from one of the workers there, I have made it a mission to grow it in my garden! I’ll let you know how that goes…
Before we knew it our tummy’s were rumbling so we headed to Velvet Taco and ate way too much, instead of walking it off we rode the trolley around town, same idea right? So we ended our Dallas family date with Slurpees for the boys and Fred surprised me with Gelato from Botolino in Greenville because I will just not shut up about how I miss eating gelato everyday when we were in Italy.
Growing bougainvillea, eating gelato, Italy will forever be a part of me. A sweet lady from my church, Janine, told me I would never be the same in the best possible way after going to Italy. I think she was right.
Hey there! It’s been a while!
Hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day.
My boys treated me to all my favorite things, carbs, shopping and picnics!
Saturday I got treated to coffee and delicious chocolate croissants at Tulla, a French inspired patisserie and cafe. It was my first time there and if I could have I would’ve tried every pastry they had in sight. I went basic and ordered a chocolate croissant but this croissant was far from basic! My mouth is watering as I type! A buttery, flaky pillow from heaven filled with chocolate goodness… Yum!
We then stopped for a quick Target run and of course I had to pick out something for myself since it was Mother’s Day weekend and it was only appropriate. Our run turned into a marathon as it usually happens every time I walk into Target. Out of a billion things I tried on I found a cute top and romper on clearance, $20 for both, score!
We then hit up a Frisco Festival, and forget photo booths, Magnolia Terrace a local event venue had the cutest bike set up for photos, and you don’t have to tell me twice! I’m adding a beach cruiser back on my wishlist if I get one it will most definitely have flowers hanging out of the basket just like theirs!
We ended Saturday with dinner at Outback Steakhouse, last time we went I was pregnant with Nate! I had prime rib, medium rare, the only way to eat a steak… For dessert we checked out a new snow cone place in Denton Square, Gnome Cones! It was an amazing experience, super thought out down to every detail, the sound of squeaky gnomes calling out your name when your order is up! I need to do a post on this place alone because it’s truly magical, check it out!
Sunday Fred made me avocado toast with his homemade jalapeño cheddar bread! We headed to church and I wore my Target find from the day before. We came home for lunch with family and afterwards I was ready to just relax and wait for Game of Thrones to start but Fred surprised me with a picnic and homegirl is always down for a picnic! Fred made us yummy sandwiches and we spent the evening at the park.
Grateful for my sweet husband who is so thoughtful, goes above and beyond for me and makes every celebration extra special. I love you with all my heart, you make me a better mommy grateful for you and our crazy boys! Love you!
October is one of my favorite months. The orange tones, the fall flavors, cooler weather.
It’s also jam packed with festivals, parties, patches and candy, lots and lots of candy. This October we visited a pumpkin patch, as per tradition, we went to the Texas State Fair and once again asked ourselves, “why did we come here?” We’re Texas State Fair haters but we go every year because Fred gets free tickets, were also emotionally attached to the LA County Fair because its where we shared our first kiss and got engaged… So really every other fair doesn’t compare.
This year we were also invited to a Fall Painting Party! One of the highlights of my Fall. We painted as a group al fresco under twinkling lights with a brush in one hand and a glass of pinot in the other. All the feels, right?
We ended October with a giant pan of homemade lasagna, trick or’ treating and of course stealing all the Twix and Kit Kat’s from my boys candy bucket!
Forgot the napkins, wiped their saucy little fingers on the blanket...
Luke made me this necklace at school.
“Lazy mom picnic, buy lunchables, go to your favorite spot,
picnic away”
Spring Tonic from West Oak, Hibiscus Ginger Beer, Lavender Syrup, Espresso Shot and Rosemary
My definition of chill.
Fred made me Eggs Benedict with crab for breakfast! Inspired by one of my all time favorite dishes from Big Sur, Ca.
“You’ll never know dear, how much I love you, oh please don’t take my sunshine away.”
Then he made me a crab pizza with hollandise sauce... His best pizza to date.
My Mother's Day gift, Old Skool Vans.
From Noah.
From Luke.
The Good & Pleasant is on it’s way! Here’s a little sneak peak!
Last weekend we went to Denton for coffee. Actually every weekend we go to Denton for coffee, but this one just felt extra special. The boys t-ball game got canceled because there was rain in the forecast. It actually didn't rain until later in the day so I was grateful for the morning off from baseball doing what we typically do on Saturday mornings, chill.
We checked out a new coffee shop, Cryptozoology. The name alone?!? So fun! Walked into an awesome open space with the friendliest baristas that didn't mind our talkative kids chatting them up on Kirby.
Then we headed outside walked on the train tracks for a bit while we drank our coffee. The boys threw rocks around and the moment could not have been more perfect. I felt the need to shout to the world what a joyous morning it had been.
It was at that moment that I just felt like I needed to get this train rollin. This blog has been steaming in my heart for a very long time, I actually began parts of it last year but never really moved forward until now. I have no idea where the tracks will lead but I'm excited to finally board the train and enjoy the ride. I hope you'll join me on this adventure!